Sunday, February 15, 2009

Random Fun with the Kiddos!!

My Best Friend!!

Just more picuters from the party for my mom. Can I just say that I LOVE my mom so much, she is my best friend. I love being able to come home to visit and spend time with her. We have a lot of fun and laugh all the time!!!

Party for Grandma!

It was my mom's birthday on February 6th, so we had a party for her with all of the grandkids (except for Parker, who was taking a nap) at Artic Circle. My mom wanted to have the party there so that the kids could have fun playing. The kids had fun helping me set up and SuPriSe grandma when she came in!

Go Steelers!

We had a Super Bowl party at my brother Porter's house! It was a lot of fun and actually a good game especially because the Steelers won!! My little niece Brynlie loves the Steelers thanx to her dad. She was decked out in her Steeler shirt and I helped her dress her Build a Bear in its Steeler uniform;)

Chuck E Cheese!

When I went to pick up Seth for the boys day out he asked me if I was taking him to Chuck E Cheeses because he had just seen the comercial for it on t.v. Suz said that he had been wanting to go there. So at the last minute after everybody was out of school and off of work we decided to go on Friday January 30th. The kids had a lot of fun. I decided to convince the parents to let the kids go by me paying for the kids and just calling it there Valentines gift. But of course you know me, I ended up getting them something else for Valentines too. I can't help but to spoil these Kiddos, I LOVE them so much!!!

Singing Seth

Of course Seth serenaded us with a song on our Boys Day Out! Gotta love it, he is so adorable . I can't believe how well he remembers the words of so many different songs, and he even stays on tune pretty well.

Boys Day Out!

So it seems like I always take the girls to do fun things, so I decided it was time for the boys to have a fun day. I took them to artic circle and then we went to visit grandma at her school. These are just some cute pictures of the boys having fun in the jeep. Rocky was having fun screaming at first but then he decided he didn't like it, as you can see by his sad face.