Wednesday, December 24, 2008

FaMily ChRiStMaS ParTy!!!



Brynlie, Savanna, Rylie

Brynlie, Rylie, Savanna, Jaden, Rocky

Sunday, December 21, 2008

FuN with Friends!!!

My friends Stump and Jess came to visit. We went out to eat, to the Hogle Zoo Lights, and then watched a movie and had hot chocolate at my house. It was so much fun getting to spend time with these two, I love their stinkin guts!

HoGle ZoO LiGhTs!!!

Some Friends and I went to the Lights at Hogle Zoo! It was really COLD, but a lot of FUN!!

Sunday, December 14, 2008

Thursday, December 11, 2008

The Forgotten Carols

So a few months ago my roommates and some friends decided to buy tickets for Forgotten Carols and decided to buy two tickets each and ask a date. There ended up being twelve of us all together, it was a TON of fun. We had everybody over to our house before the show and had soup bowls and then after the show everybody came back over and we had peppermint cake and hot chocolate. The pictures are of some of the group after the show when we were just hanging out at our house!!

Temple Square Lights!

A group of us when to walk around temple square and look at the lights! Sorry this isn't the best picture. A big group of us are going again on the 20th, so hopefully there will be better pictures to come...

Sunday, December 7, 2008


Ellie, Erica and Me!

My friends Ellie, Erica, and I went to the FeStival oF TreeS on Saturday. We decided that we should support the cause since Ellie and I both work at Primary Children's!! It was fun and inspiring to see how many people come out to support the cause. The trees and gingerbread houses were incredible!

Tuesday, December 2, 2008


My friends Chad, Shelly, Zeke and I decided to decorate Stockings last night to get into the Christmas Spirit!! We had a lot of fun.

Monday, December 1, 2008

So BleSSeD!!!

On Saturday I had the opportunity to feed the homeless. It was an experience I will never forget. It truly made me think about all the many blessings that I have. It was especially hard to see the little kids as they came through the line with their parents to get food. I hope and pray that we will all take the time to ReMemBer the TrUe meaning of this HoLiDay SeaSon and strive to help someone in need.
I WisH EveRyOnE A HaPpY HoLiDaY SeaSoN!!

Saturday, November 29, 2008

SiLLy SeThers!!

I had the priveledge of babysitting Seth and Parker while I was home. Lets just say that Seth can get a little SiLLy at times. He LoVes music and LoVes to sing! It is amazing to me how he can know almost everyword to so many different songs. This is a video of Seth singing and then he starts to DaNce because he LoVes that too!! If you watch closely at the very end he gets a little out of hand and face plants into the wall. No worries he was just FiNe!!!

FuN with the KidDos!

I went home the weekend before Thanksgiving and stayed until the day before Thanksgiving. But then I had to go back to SLC because I had to Work. So while I was home I decided to take some of my nieces and nephews out for some FuN!! I took them to Artic Circle, or as Seth calls it "Arnold Circle" and Savanna and Jaden call it "A.C. Greasy". Then after we ate and played, we went over to Jordan and Suz's house to watch Wall-E. We all had ToNs of FuN!!!

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

I LoVe being an AuNt!!!


Seth and Jaden

Rylie and Savanna

Rylie, Savanna, and their Build a Bears
Buddy and Sally

Seth and Brynlie

Savanna, Brynlie, Rocky, Rylie, Seth, and Jaden

I LoVe this time of year! Especially being able to spend time with my FaMily. There is nothing else that I would rather do. I would have to say that one of the greatest blessings in my life is being an aunt. As you can see, I have the most AdOrable nieces and nephews EveR.

New at Blogging!

So I am really new at this blogging thing. I tried it a couple of months ago, but never really cared to actually blog much and couldn't figure out how to do some things. But after taking Blogging 101 from my sister in-law Suz, I am going to give it a try. So hopefully I will have more blogs to come!

Sunday, November 23, 2008

Carrie Underwood

Some friends and I went to the Carrie Underwood Concert. It was so Good!! Little Big Town opened for her and they were really good too. We had tons of fun!


My aunt Peggy, sister Cassie, sister in-law Suz, Me, and my mom all went to the movie Twilight on Saturday night. It was Amazing!! I can't wait for the next movie to come out. Lets just say I wish there were really vampires that existed to date:)