Monday, December 1, 2008

So BleSSeD!!!

On Saturday I had the opportunity to feed the homeless. It was an experience I will never forget. It truly made me think about all the many blessings that I have. It was especially hard to see the little kids as they came through the line with their parents to get food. I hope and pray that we will all take the time to ReMemBer the TrUe meaning of this HoLiDay SeaSon and strive to help someone in need.
I WisH EveRyOnE A HaPpY HoLiDaY SeaSoN!!


Tina said...

Nikie!!! HEY How are you, Saw you went to twilight!! LOVED it as well!!
That is so cool you got to feed the homeless, its so sad to see that! Your sooo cute, I miss ya,

Keller Family said...

Nikie!!! I am so glad you found me. I barely have time to actually make posts on my own page, so needless to say I don't really go blog searching. Sorry. I haven't seen you forever either! I think my little boy is absolutely adorable. He is so much fun. He is always (literally) so happy and smiley. It is a blast being a mom. I went to twilight too. Liked the movie, haven't read the books. My cousin went to Carrie Underwood too. You both suck. We went to Reba and Kelly Clarkston in Oct. It was good. Glad you posted me. Take care!